Our Vision:

A Home for those along the Way…

For all who wonder, who wander, who hurt and who need..

What we deeply desire is to be seen and known at the core of who we are. We all yearn for a space where we can come out of hiding and be honest and vulnerable.

So much of our lives are spent covering, hiding and running out of fear, shame and guilt.

Yet in the Gospel we can experience true Home: I am fully loved and accepted, even at my absolute worst. I can come Home, just as I am.

When we come out of hiding, and confess our true state to God, we can experience Love that transforms us from our core. In Christ, there is healing, restoration, and renewed purpose.

Rest for your souls..

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. - Matthew 11:28-29

This is the heart of the Father. This is the heart of the call to discipleship.

So much of the modern world has pressures to perform, to prove, and to compete for the things that are freely given in Jesus. The beauty of following Jesus is that we experience true freedom and rest for our souls for the rest of lives unto eternity.

Home is in Him

Our church longs to be a sacred space to experience the rest that Jesus provides.

We believe a community that knows Jesus and follows Jesus from a place of security, safety, and rest in the Gospel will be effective in seeing, loving, and tending to the souls of those who so desperately need Christ’s love and Gospel (to those who are in the church and outside of it).

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭23:1-2


A church that lives and breathes in the center of God’s unconditional love and presence so that disciples of the Way flourish (John 15:8). Ark creates space for people who are struggling and weary, to be seen and known in their discipleship journey (Matt 11:28-30). Ark is a place of recalibration, restoration, equipping and being sent (Acts 1:8, 13:2-3).

Our Mission: Integrative Discipleship

To make disciples of the Way who are known, know, and go

Great commission: Go, make disciples, teach and equip (Matthew 28:18-20)

Great commandment: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:37-39)

Our mission is the great commission but not at the expense of our love for God and others (our soul). Our heart is to see an integration that happens along the path of discipleship, between what we do (mission), and who we are (formation). There’s never a moment of arrival but a continual process of living in the tension with humility, openness and trust.

Our Values

  • Identity in the Gospel, Spiritual Formation and Soulcare, Safe and Authentic Community, Spiritual direction and mentorship, Inner-healing, Life in the Spirit

  • Lifestyle of Worship, High Commitment to Biblical Teaching, Priority of Prayer, Gospel-centered Spirituality, Loving Others (relational competency), Loving (serving) the Church, Core Spiritual Practices and Rhythms

  • Evangelistic Heart, Global Outlook, Generous Sowers, Equip/Empower Workers for Kingdom, Invest into the Youth, Love the marginalized (to bless without agenda)