Jiwon Lee
Lead Pastor/Planter
Jiwon was born in Busan and moved to Australia at the age of 3. His formative years were spent in Sydney, where he met the Lord and received his calling to ministry. The past decade he’s lived and ministered in California, graduating from Talbot Theological Seminary with an M.Div, and is on his way toward a D.Min in Spiritual Formation and Soul-care.
Moving to Korea in 2022, he has come to see the significance of one’s third-culture experience to their formation. His heart is to a see a healthy church that shepherds souls, makes disciples, and lives missionally from the intersection of Seoul.
His favorite part of being on this church planting journey is being on a faith adventure as a family. His family includes his wife Janice, Sydney, Nehemiah and one more along the way in 2024!